The Official Web Site of the

McCoy Pottery Collectors’ Society

Dedicated to the Service of McCoy Pottery Collectors Everywhere

I purchased two McCoy planter/vases at a estate sale a few weeks ago and while i love the design and the form of them both. I'm having a hard time finding what lines of McCoy they are from, their age, are they real or fakes, and what might their value be for insurance purposes? They both have the McCoy logo on the bottom and and the one with the handle has USA on the bottom. if anyone could be of assistance, I would really appreciate the help a lot. ?


Neither of your planters belong to a particular line by McCoy but they are genuine McCoy planters.. The line was made in 1969 and value approx. $12.00 in today's market. Prices tend to fluctuate along with the economy and sadly prices on most items are down right now. The shell style planter was made in 1948. Value for it would be approximately $25-35.00 in my opinion . Keep up looking for McCoy, It's fun!